Through the application of an ancient knowledge and in harmony with nature, we have created an authentic wine which truly reflects its heritage.

Quinta da Boa Esperança – Colheita White

Citrus colored wine, mineral, with intense aroma of fresh tropical fruit. Intense, fruity and fresh, with a very pleasant and persistent finish.

4 months of bottle aging.

Grapes: Fernão Pires, Arinto.
Harvest: 100% manual into 15 Kg cases.

Fernão Pires, Arinto

Quinta da Boa Esperança – Fernão Pires

Citrus colored wine, mineral, with intense aroma of fresh tropical fruit. Intense, fruity and fresh, with a very pleasant and persistent finish.

4 months of bottle aging.

Grapes: Fernão Pires.
Harvest: 100% manual into 15 Kg cases.

Fernão Pires

Quinta da Boa Esperança – Arinto

Citrus colored wine, very elegant mineral aroma, so typical in this grape variety with slight tropical nuances. Very fresh, with a long and persistent finish.

Grapes: Arinto.
Harvest: 100% manual into 15 Kg cases.


Quinta da Boa Esperança – Sauvignon Blanc

Mineral and fresh wine. Notes of tropical fruit with notes of more vegetal aromas, characteristic of the variety. Unctuous wine with good acidity balance.

4 months of aging in bottle.

Pressing of whole bunches, followed by fermentation with controlled temperature between 10 / 12ºC.

Grapes: Sauvignon Blanc
Harvest: 100% manual into 15 Kg cases.

Sauvignon Blanc

Quinta da Boa Esperança – Reserva White

Mineral and fresh wine. Floral notes with citrus notes. Extremely unctuous wine, with an excellent balance between structure and acidity.

A mild and rainy year, but with the phenomenon of scalding in the middle of maturation, which caused the harvest to start later than usual, in order to recover the vine.

Pressing of whole bunches. 20% of the batch fermented in stainless steel with controlled temperature between 10 / 12ºC, which was followed by 4 months of “battonage” in vat.

80% of the batch fermented in new barrels followed by battonage for 6 months + 12 months of aging in bottles.

Grapes: Arinto, Fernão Pires
Harvest: 100% manual into 15 Kg cases.

Arinto, Fernão Pires


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